Electronic Invoicing (this article applies just for Latina America)

Diferencia en facturación Eletronica
February 6, 2019 by
Electronic Invoicing (this article applies just for Latina America)
Camilo Puentes Iregui

Electronic invoicing is a must in 2019 for Colombian companies. In the following webinars we explain what Colombian localization consists of, and how it integrates with Carvajal suppliers. To learn more about Colombian localization visit the following link here or schedule a demo with us to clarify your doubts. 

In Colombia there are software companies that took the Odoo code as a basis to develop their own localization, the software development in Odoo must be maintained and updated, this also makes the solutions are not a standard to handle IFRS accounts, magenitic media and payroll. The parent company Odoo developed in 2018 a Colombian localization that is already a standard with the Odoo license, it is not necessary to incur in additional developments and it is supported by Odoo, this reduces the license costs since the Odoo license is already integrated with the Colombian localization and it is not necessary to pay additional fees to have the accounting benefits that Odoo already developed in its version 12. Colombia and Mexico are the only two countries in Latin America with a localization developed by Odoo. Here are some videos of how localization works in Colombia with Odoo. 

Neceistas migrar tu sistema contable actual y realmente tener una gestión empresarial con Odoo?. 



Localización Colombia en Odoo

Videos de aprendizaje del módulo de Contabilidad 


Explicación Odoo

facturación electronica Carvajal

Video de la facturación Electronica con Carvajal.  UBL 2.1 Ultima resolucion


Localización Colombiana


Que tiene la localización Colombiana en Odoo. En este video se explica que tiene la localización Colombiana estandar en Odoo v11 y version 12 enterprise. La version Community de Odoo no soporta estas localizaciones. 

Electronic Invoicing (this article applies just for Latina America)
Camilo Puentes Iregui February 6, 2019
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