Integrate all your business processes in One Single Software

With Odoo, it's possible. Integrate CRM, Sales, eCommerce, Inventory, Accounting, Manufacturing, Point of Sale, Projects, Human Resources and more.

Sign up now! Receive a free demo and learn how Odoo is making businesses more efficient.


Industries of Expertise


Integrate and automate your Manufacturing processes with one software

  • Costing Methods

  • Forecast your Raw Materials

  • Automate and Integrate your Inventory

  • Quality Management during production

  • Improve and Track Efficiency


Integrate your Field Service and automate recurring customer payments

  • Pre-Sales and Business Case Analysis

  • Analysis Project KPI's 

  • Integrate Inventory and Field Services

  • Integrate Helpdesk to offer support 

  • Integrate Purchase, Inventory and Accounting


Increase productivity and integrate all your retail operations into one software

  • Purchase Management and Import flows

  • Costing and Financial Models to your needs

  • Keep your Inventory in Real Time

  • Integrate Payroll and Accounting

  • Increase your Sales with eCommerce and Marketing

1 Free App

$ 0 .00

/ month
  • 1 Free App
  • Unlimited Users
  • Hosting Included
  • No Support Included


$24 .9

/ month
  • All Apps Included
  • Pay as you Grow / per Users
  • Hosting SaaS / Odoo SH / On-premise
  • Includes 2 Consulting hours


$37 .40

/ month
  • All Apps Included
  • Pay as you Grow / per User
  • Hosting SaaS / Odoo SH / On-premise
  • Includes 2 Consulting hours

Why Sakya Consulting

Sakya Consulting focusses on Business and Functional Consulting in Odoo. We Understand your business processes and financials to adapt Odoo out of the box functionalities and tailor them to your business needs without software development.

Sakya Business Solutions

Conoce Odoo Colombia

Contact us and let us show you how Odoo core functionalities can meet your business needs

Our Clients:

Connect with us and schedule a Demo

We want to make your business more Efficient, Innovative and Productive
